React.js has become quite famous in the world of web development because of its effective and adaptable method of creating user interfaces. Whether you’re an experienced developer or new to React, having a strong foundation to build on will help you save time and effort on your project.

If you are new to React, you can learn about it on official React documentation.

In this article, we’ll look at a selection of free React.js templates with eye-catching looks and robust functionality that will help you get your development process going.

If you are looking for free HTML Templates instead of React templates. Check out these free HTML CSS templates.

In line with the growing trend of businesses, organizations, and stores going digital. Many companies are looking for websites for their operations. In this contemporary day, we believe that every firm, large or small, requires its own digital platforms. Therefore, for your online presence, we have gathered the greatest free React js website templates.

You may speed up your development process and easily design aesthetically pleasing web applications or admin dashboards with the help of these free React.js templates. These templates offer a good basis to help you get started on your projects, whether you choose a simple layout or an interface that is influenced by Material Design. Explore their features, customization possibilities, and suitability for your particular needs. Happy React.js coding!

Material Dashboard – React Free Dashboard

Material Dashboard 2 React is built with over 70 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, nav tabs, cards, or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. All components can take variations in color, which you can easily modify using MUI styled() API and sx prop. You will save a lot of time going from prototyping to full-functional code because all elements are implemented.

This free MUI & React Dashboard is coming with prebuilt design blocks, so the development process is seamless, switching from our pages to the real website is very easy to be done.

Check out other free Bootstrap 5 admin dashboard templates as well if you’re interested.

React JS Landing – One-page React Template

For startups, digital agencies, and companies that deal with products, React JS Landing is a straightforward React app template. This one-page template provides various scrollable sections with a parallax effect, a thumbnail gallery to showcase product features or benefits, a number of pre-made icons, a meet-the-team area, and a full-width hero to present photographs or videos.

WaVer – Free Template for building a SaaS app using Material-UI

For entrepreneurs who seek a straightforward and easy-to-use page for their SaaS projects, online services, and digital products, React SaaS is a lightweight and modern template. A blog area, a modal signup form, and an application feature-rich home screen are all included in the React SaaS template.

Light Bootstrap Dashboard React

Light Bootstrap Dashboard React is an admin dashboard template designed to be beautiful and simple. It is built on top of Light Bootstrap Dashboard and React JS and it is fully responsive. It comes with a big collection of elements that will offer you multiple possibilities to create the app that best fits your needs. It can be used to create admin panels, project management systems, web applications backend, CMS, or CRM.

Open – Free React / Next.js landing page template

Open is a free React / Next.js landing page template built with Tailwind CSS for developers/makers who want to create a quick and professional landing page for their open-source projects, SaaS products, online services, and more.

DevBlog – Blog template

The DevBlog blog template was created for developers (or anyone else) who wish to start blogging. It can be easily modified and enhanced or deployed ready to use when it arrives. The blog uses server-side rendering right out of the box, syntax highlighting via PrismJS, and is entirely statically produced using GatsbyJS.

Material Tailwind Dashboard React

Based on Tailwind CSS and React, the Material Tailwind Dashboard React is a free Material Tailwind Admin Template. Here is your match if you’re a developer looking to design an admin dashboard that is feature-rich, developer-friendly, and extremely customizable. You can construct attractive websites and online apps to wow your customers with the aid of our ground-breaking Material Tailwind, Tailwind CSS, and React dashboard, which has a gorgeous design inspired by Google’s Material Design.

Black Dashboard React

Black Dashboard React is a beautiful Bootstrap 4 (Reactstrap) Admin Dashboard with a huge number of components built to fit together and look amazing. If you are looking for a tool to manage and visualize data about your business, this dashboard is the thing for you. It combines colors that are easy on the eye, spacious cards, beautiful typography, and graphics.

Black Dashboard comes packed with all plugins that you might need inside a project and documentation on how to get started. It is light and easy to use, and also very powerful.

React Nice Resume

If you’re a developer, designer, or another type of digital creative, React Nice Resume is a lovely theme to advertise yourself and your work. This tool features a special fixed hero section with a particle background, a history of work experience, talent graphs, thumbnails to show the most recent projects, and an inquiry area with useful feedback forms.

Holly – email addresses gathering website template

For creators of online services and digital goods who wish to start gathering email addresses while the main product is still being developed, Holly is a responsive React JS template. Cruip originally created this small template in HTML, which was then converted into this version’s React code.

Ghost – Template for blog, magazine, or news website

With this starting template by Ghost on top of Gatsby, you can quickly and easily develop responsive websites. A simple and contemporary template for a blog, magazine, or news website is Gatsby Starter Ghost. This software is made with the intention of assisting anyone in setting up a private online journal where they may post updates, ideas, and thoughts.

Flexy Next Js Free Admin Template

Flexible and Free Material UI React Material-UI, the Most Popular Framework, is used to build the Next Js Template. The web app’s appearance and feel can be customized in the free version thanks to its attractive grid architecture. It is a meticulously handcrafted basic admin template that features a contemporary, modular style. People adore this react dashboard since it is well known for providing customers with a seamless experience while assisting in the execution of complicated tasks through the current design. It rapidly provides UI components, imaginative pages, and an environment that is user-friendly.