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Advertise with us

TemplatesJungle.com currently has an average of 50k+ monthly visitors and 90k+ page views. And it is only growing. Advertise with us to get traffic for your products and services.

  1. Standard blog post listing / Link insertion – $100
  2. Premium blog post listing – $150
  3. Sponsored post – $200
  4. Ad Banner – $200-$250 / month

Standard blog post listing / Link insertion – $100

Your product will be listed in any blog post of your choice in chronological order. You can place your link to your product along with your product image and description. The product will be reviewed by our team before publishing.

Premium blog post listing – $150

Your product will be listed in any blog post of your choice in the topmost available spot. Top spots will be allocated according to the order of your booking. However, it will remain in the spot for at least 3 months. You can place your link to your product along with your product image and description. The product will be reviewed by our team before publishing.

Sponsored post – $200

We will publish your article about your product and services after reviewing them. You can place links to your product and services.

Ad Banners – $200-$250 / month

You can run an ad on the website for a month. You have to provide us with the banner image as required.

  • Sidebar Square – $200
  • Horizontal / in feed – $250

Note: These posts are for forever as long as the links are working fine. And above rates are subject to revision.

Contact us for more details at info@templatesjungle.com