Julia - Free One Page Portfolio HTML Template

Julia is a free Onepage Portfolio HTML CSS Template by TemplatesJungle. It best suits any designer, artist, programmer, photographer, artist, or freelancer who wants to create a personal website. You are free to use this HTML template in your personal or commercial project as long as you don’t remove our credit link in the footer.

Preview URL: https://demo.templatesjungle.com/julia/

The code is consistent and can be easily maintained as we have followed a good coding standard. We want everyone to easily understand it and modify it according to their requirement. The main goal of providing these templates is to help you with your design project.

It is free for both personal and commercial use as long as you don’t remove our credit link in the footer.

Some of the features of the template are:

  • 8 Different pages
  • Bootstrap 5 Theme
  • HTML5 and CSS3
  • Working Contact form
  • includes OnePage Template
  • 100% Customizable
  • Responsive and mobile-friendly
  • Free Google Fonts
  • Free for both personal and commercial use
Julia - Free One Page Portfolio HTML Template
Julia - Free One Page Portfolio HTML Template
Julia - Free One Page Portfolio HTML Template

Credits & References

Stock Photos:



jQuery Plugins:
Slick Slider

We have a huge collection of HTML templates you can freely download and use to create your own website. If you love this freebie, do check out these beautiful free HTML templates as well.