ShopLite is a simple free eCommerce Bootstrap 5 HTML CSS website template for any simple electronic store by TemplatesJungle. It is suitable for any eCommerce store, online shopping website, tech store, shopping mart website, online shopping cart, mobile store, gadgets store, electric store, mini store, etc.
Live Demo URL: https://demo.templatesjungle.com/shoplite/
Free Figma File: https://templatesjungle.com/downloads/shoplite-simple-ecommerce-free-figma-website-template/
You can download the homepage for free and the rest of the template is included in the Full version.
Some of the features of the template are:
- 9 Different pages
- Optimized Code
- Bootstrap 5 Framework
- Beautiful Vibrant Design
- 100% Customizable
- Responsive and mobile-friendly
- Free Google Fonts
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Free for both personal and commercial use
Credits & References
Stock Photos:
pexels.com | Unsplash
jQuery Plugins:
Slick Slider
We have a huge collection of free Bootstrap templates you can freely download and use to create your own website. If you love this freebie, do check out these beautiful free Bootstrap templates as well.