NextGen is a free Figma template specially designed for NFT Marketplace Websites. Hope you like it.
This template is completely free for both personal and commercial use. However, any credit or link to the website will be highly appreciated.
You can also use this great design template for other niches too. It has design elements to beautifully display your items which include an item slideshow, grid, carousel, etc.
You will find out two versions of the NextGen NFT Marketplace template. With our free version, you can get a beautifully designed homepage.
But if you want the full experience, we recommend going with the full version. You can get access to all 22 pages needed for NFT Marketplace for a small fee.
The full version includes:
- 01_Homepage-1
- 02_Homepage-2
- 03_Homepage-3
- 04_Homepage-light
- 05_About-Us
- 06_Explore
- 07_Item-Details
- 08_Creators
- 09_Author
- 10_Edit-Profile
- 11_Create-Item
- 12_Collection
- 13_Signup
- 14_Login
- 15_FAQs
- 16_Blogs
- 17_Blogs-With-Sidebar
- 18_Blog-Details
- 19_Contact-Us
- 20_Connect-Wallet
- 21_Coming-Soon
- 22_Page-Not-Found
HTML Version Preview or Download:
Simply go to your drafts in Figma App and import the .fig file to start using the template.
If you like this free Figma template and want us to continue creating these awesome freebies then do share it with your design communities. Thank you!
Template Features :
- Dark, unique, and modern design
- Used gradient color
- Well organized layers
- Easy editable
- 4 Homepages
- Pixel Perfect
- Good color combination
- Used auto-layout
- Used 12-column Bootstrap grid
- Free Google fonts
- Free stock images
- 100% free for both personal and commercial use
Credits & References
Stock Photos:,,,
Icons:,, Line Awesome, IonIcons, IcoMoon Free